Mission Statement:


  • Our mission at Females Flying Solo is to empower and educate women to travel confidently and safely while providing them with opportunities to learn new skills that improve their travels and overall well-being that leads to a more fulfilled life.
  • Our community is committed to providing a supportive and encouraging environment where women can connect with like-minded individuals and share their travel experiences and knowledge.
  • By connecting with other solo female travellers, learning new skills, and experiencing new cultures, we believe that women can gain a greater sense of self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Females Flying Solo is committed to creating a safe and supportive space where women can thrive, explore, and become the best versions of themselves.


Support: Females Flying Solo provides a support system for solo female travellers, whether it be through forums, meetups, or other forms of communication.
Safety: Safety is the top priority for all members. The community will provide resources and information to help members stay safe while travelling alone.
Education: Females Flying Solo provides educational resources and information to help women learn more about all aspects of travel, destinations, different cultures, and how to navigate unfamiliar situations.
Empowerment: The community empowers solo female travellers to pursue their travel dreams with confidence and without fear.
Wellbeing: The community will prioritise the mental and physical well-being of its members. This can be achieved through continuous opportunities to learn new skills that can be applied to areas of travel and daily life.



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